Saturday 14 November 2009

Eye of the hurricane

It's Saturday. For a change, we're all 3 of us at home just chilling. No looming business trips, nothing particularly pressing. Just our little family enjoying some family time. Ok, at least we're in the same room. Kiddo is reading (as usual), The Man is fiddling with his NEW bike (it sounds like an arthritic old goat. Clackity clackety...) and I'm trying to build mountains on my farmville game...

Next week the chaos starts. Bazaar on Tuesday, coffee morning at ANZA (Aus and NZ womens' association) on Fri, Bazaar again the following Tuesday, long weekend away that Thursday with some great friends to Sambolo. The week after that, we'll be moving to the apartment. Yay!!! I shall be even more a duck than I usually am (why duck? Read the blog description above...).

Yesterday the kiddo had her 2nd lot of boosters. MMR and Varicella. Very stoic through the 1st one with only an 'Ooowwww' at the end. But the 2nd one? Oh my goodness... You would've thought the doctor was skinning her. The howling and wailing...! My poor baby. Worst thing is next month she has a typhoid jab to go for. Sigh. I bought her a bunch of new books as a little reward for the jabs (I know, I know, wasn't supposed to buy anything before the move... But she was such a sad little thing when she found out she had jabs... *sob*). And it DID smooth everything over...

The rest of today shall be family time. Much anticipated since Daddy has been away so much in the last 2 months. Nice lunch at the club... BBQ dinner... Wine... Keep repeating to self, 'I will not obsess about next week, I will not obsess about next week...'

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