Tuesday 3 November 2009


Hubby and I were perusing our much over crowded workroom when he suddenly declared, 'You have too much porn.' I looked at him and was debating whether to slap first and ask questions later or just pretend my ears were acting up, when he continued with, 'Look at your shelf, it's full of books on beading, candle making, origami, sewing, painting, scrapbooking... And that's just what I can see! And I don't even know when you add something, the piles just get bigger!' Ohhh. Ookkaaay. Well, I was feeling rather unfairly attacked so I came back with, ' Oh yeah?! What about all your running and triathlon magazines? And your collection of running shoes that look perfect but YOU say they have gone past their distance limit and you need a new one? And your bike? And the indoor trainer? And the mammoth bike case when you've only ever gone for ONE triathlon?'

This is my work table. I admit it's a LITTLE messy.

Part of my craft book collection.

The Man's new bike. Brought it back all the way from New York.

His running shoe collection. Except the white pair on the right. Those are his super special bike shoes. Not in the picture are the ones he took into work for his daily running session at the gym. Also, to be fair, what looks like an extra 3 pairs is actually a reflection off the mirror. Don't ask why there's a mirror under the table. That's a whole different story...

The Man's collection of Runner's World and Triathlon magazines. And all the other various running and tri training books. Also the running and tri dvd's. He's forever in search of the perfect technique...

Let's put it this way, we both think the other is spending more on their 'porn' but I think it's pretty equal. I could've bought at least 100 craft books with what his bike costs!

As I said before, I love my crafts. Sometimes I buy books on crafts that I probably won't have time to learn anytime soon, but I love looking at the lovely pictures and filing it in my 'to-get-to-at-some-point' mental box. I reckon this is the main difference between the way Hubs' brain is wired and mine. He has his little interests, but they come one at a time. First, photography. When that was over, running, with biking and swimming now tacked on.

Carrying on with our little contretemps, I said, 'Anyway, porn is the wrong word. I don't know about you, but I CERTAINLY don't derive any sexual gratification from my crafting! It keeps me sane! I spend less on gifts! Don't you like my scrapbooks!' Well, The Man has THE MOST amazing ability to just suddenly switch off. His answer was, 'Hey, whatever tickles your tackle babes...' Followed by him whipping out the latest Runners World magazine. Grrr... Annoying Y chromosome carrier, I wasn't even finished with the discussion! We love each other. Honestly. We do.

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