Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Day 7 :The Man is in New York

Got a call saying he's in New York. Followed by many messages asking if there really was nothing he could buy for me. Isn't he sweet...? Don't worry my dear, I'm doing all the buying I need right here. Heh heh heh...

By the way hun , yes, the maid can make goreng pisang and yes, it's very good.

The kiddo is due her shots tomorrow and I still can't find disney princess plasters. This is a disaster, because all she wanted was the ice pack and the princess (Ariel to be precise) plasters. Ugh. Will have to try and convince her that smiley faces will be just as effective at making her ouchie better...

1 comment:

Yin said...

Maybe stickers instead? Aww hope the jabs go ok!