Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Thank God she likes school...!

It was the quarterly parents-teachers meeting today. I am still in a state of bemusement.

The kiddo is in ACS (Anglo-Chinese School) International Jakarta. She loves school, including all the extracurricular activities offered. Ballet on Monday, Mandarin Club on Tuesdays and Fridays, Tennis on Wednesday and swimming on Thursday... Not to mention normal lessons that include computer classes, Mandarin classes, writing, reading, math, art... It's a full platter, but as long as she's coping and not morphing into some red eyed slavering beast at 5pm every night, I'm happy to go along with it. Then there are the daily bits of homework. Nothing taxing, but probably useful in getting the kids used to having to sit down everyday for a bit of work. Again, effort is the key, I've stopped the sickening 'you're sooo smart' gushing that only elicits an eyeroll from her... As Po Bronson (author of 'What should I do with my life') says, praise the effort not how smart the kid is. Kids who are always told they are smart end up afraid of tackling difficult tasks. I have noticed that kiddo appears happier at doing her work now compared with before. At the very least, she doesn't get upset anymore if her work is not done 'perfectly'. Ok, guess I should actually finish the book now...

Anyway, back to our little meeting today. The conversation was illuminating to say the least. Teacher thinks my little bushel of joy is very smart. Why? Because she can talk and listen at the same time!! Excuse me, but isn't that called interrupting?! And isn't it actually RUDE? I think Teach probably sensed my rising blood pressure because she very quickly asked me not to worry, they were slowly teaching her to wait while other people were speaking. Downside of her being an only child I suppose. No need to compete for willing ears... Besides, I can pull the 'mummy's ears are tired' line which the teacher probably can't.

Another topic that came up in our little chat was forgotten stuff. I have a policy... I ask her to pack her stuff once. If she forgets something, tough. After all, she's 5, it's hardly the end of the world if she forgets to bring her book to school. Better she learn to be responsible for her things now rather than later when it's more important stuff. Anyway, her teacher mentioned that a common excuse for forgotten things among the other kids was 'the nanny forgot'. Now, I'm all in favor of the occasional services of a part time nanny when the man and I want to join in (very) occasional late night poker parties (he plays, I anticipate how much shopping I can do with his winnings), but letting the kid become totally dependent on nannies is letting yourself in for a huge amount of pain later on. I have heard stories of men going away on business trips who need their mothers/ girlfriends/ wives to pack for them!

All in all, I'm very happy so far with this new school. A bonus point is that till just a few months ago it was a National plus school and was therefore significantly cheaper than some of the other international schools. It's a bit far, Setu exit, 15min on the toll road from the Pejaten entry, but the grounds and facilities are top of the range. Teachers seem to actually know the kids and most importantly, the kids actually look and behave like kids instead of jail baits in training. Even the early start is a price I'm willing to pay. School runs from 730am to 12noon or 1pm if ECAs are happening. She's in bed by 7pm and up at 640am. For now the multiheaded monster of doom only pays us occasional visits when she gets overtired, otherwise life is predictable and as calm as is possible with a 5 year old around. Just the way I like it....

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