Wednesday, 14 October 2009

To soap or not to soap, that is the question...

Soap, or to be precise, antibacterial soap. Advertised as being the solution to all our problems of household illnesses. But is it really the wonder product companies want us to believe it is? Today while I was standing in Hero supermarket perusing the half dozen brands of liquid handwash, I thought to myself, 'Do we really need all these chemicals inside the soaps to stay healthy?' So I decided to have a look around.

Many of the products contain Triclosan and Salicylic acid. Salicylic acid, ok, you make aspirin from it, and it's used on the skin to treat acne, so it's probably not that bad, unless you're going to try and chug the stuff. But Triclosan... Now that baby is a registered pesticide by the US EPA. Yup, PESTICIDE!!! It's a little like a bacterial bomb. Everything goes, friend or foe. Kaput. Now, I'm all for blitzing bad bacteria like salmonella, E.coli etc, but please, leave my normal skin flora alone. They actually protect you from colonization by other more harmful bugs. The other thing is that it's classified as a 'persistent pollutant'. Meaning it stays in the body as well as the environment. Studies have shown that virtually every creature on earth has some Triclosan in it. And humans, being the numero uno, top of the food chain consumers, are eating a little of it in EVERY MEAL!! Not to mention, washing it down the drain. Where it just gets stuck in the ground water waiting to get consumed and work it's way back up to us humans.

So, why am I making such a fuss about it? Well, Triclosan (also Triclocarban, the other product used) is postulated to cause cancer. Also if you're crazy enough to drink enough of it, then you could get lovely symptoms like convulsions, coma and death! Apparently, it also causes some skin irritation, but on the other hand, it affects your nerves temporarily so you can't feel it anyway. Of course, if you wanted to play devil's advocate, no one can actually produce evidence that proves 100% that it does all these nasty things so I will understand if you're not convinced.

The following points however, cinched it for me. By using so many antimicrobials (anti-bug stuff) on ourselves, we're actually encouraging resistant bugs. That's seriously bad especially if you get sick and nothing works. Also, studies have shown that if you wash your hands properly (10-15s rubbing all over with soap apparently), then there is no difference in illness (coughs, cold etc) rates between households that use antibacterial soaps and those that don't. Not forgetting the whole 'sterile house leading to increasing rates of childhood allergies' argument.

Suffice it to say, I opted for standard soap with as little on the ingredients list as I could get away with. Point of interest, I found Triclosan on the ingredients list for several leading brands of toothpaste. Except ones for sensitive teeth. Makes sense since it causes irritation. Wouldn't want THAT on a painful tooth!! Also on several antibacterial face washes, body washes. And this is just the beginning. Its been found in toys, cosmetics, shaving cream, kitchenware, blankets, humidifiers etc etc.

I just ransacked our supplies cupboard expecting to see Triclosan on everything. I admit to being a bug freak and buying everything with 'antibacterial' printed on it. Surprise, surprise... No Triclosan. But lots of 'antibacterial agent x%'. Hmmm... Doesn't inspire a lot of confidence does it... From now on, I shall endeavor to make this a phenol (group of chemical compounds that Triclosan and Triclocarban belong to) free household...

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