Monday, 19 October 2009

Drama over the weekend

Daddy is home!! A whole day early. He actually got in yesterday morning. Early enough for us to go to church and for him to go for a massage. The flight was apparently uneventful, except they lost his bike case containing his brand new, custom fitted, practically rides itself bike! Not to mention the little princess' leapster unit that she has been waiting months for. Disaster! There was a lot of calling around to no avail till we managed to get the number of a friend of a friend who is really senior in SIA Indonesia. Following that, The Man started receiving updates every time a SIA plane landed, right up till the last plane came in. Don't ask me what time that was, I was already dopey half asleep. Nothing, nothing, nothing.... Till this morning when the case was delivered to our house. And I wondered why they hadn't just chucked the dratted thing into the ocean. It's HUGE!!! According to Ibu I our maid, it took 2 people to unload! How embarrassing. And he wants to tote it around for triathlons... All I can say is, there's my shopping weight gone... Anyway, thanks N!

We also picked up the 4 shoe boxes that our family is filling for a couple of orphanages supported by our church. The instructions are Rp100k-150k (USD10-15) per box. Now anywhere else in the world and you'd probably think that would mean some stationary, sweets, that's it. But so far, I've managed to put in pencils, erasers, color pencils, markers, highlighters, exercise books, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lollipops, fluorescent stars, Koko krunch, coloring books and a cartoon instruction book (both courtesy of Office 2000 in Kemang). And I still have 100k to spare. Going to see how much more that can buy...

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